There is a significant lack of permanent affordable housing with supports and services for homeless populations. Housing Visions has a unique opportunity to help shape and create supportive housing for the future. While Housing Visions knows affordable, supportive and quality housing is the first step to reduce the burden of poverty on our most vulnerable – we need the resources and support of elected officials.
On March 19, 2014, Housing Visions made the trip to Albany to help advocate with the Supportive Housing Network of New York for homeless housing and prevention programs in the final New York state budget. The Network advocates on behalf of New York’s supportive housing community to preserve and increase capital, operating and service funding for supportive housing, while also encouraging policies that make development and operation easier and more effective. As a provider of affordable housing including supportive housing, Housing Visions values the tireless work of the Network.
Housing Visions supportive housing endeavors include projects for homeless veterans, survivors of domestic violence and the disabled. Contact us today to learn more about supportive and homeless housing opportunities in your community.
Network members, including Housing Visions’ Rebecca Newman, met with New York State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk (pictured in the middle).