VanKeuren Square Clean Up Day with United Way!

VanKeuren Square Clean Up Day with United Way!

Our Need

The pandemic has shaken up the job market in all facets. Our maintenance crew in Syracuse has strained personnel and resources as we continue to recover from the pandemic. Landscaping at the property has suffered as staff has attended to more urgent needs. We take a great deal of pride in our properties, and want to provide a product that our Veterans can be proud.

The residents at VanKeuren Square have made the ultimate sacrifice to their country and we would like to show them our thanks by helping to clean up the landscaping around their home.

Join us on August 4th for United Way of Central New York‘s Day of Caring. Anyone interested in volunteering to help clean up VanKeuren Square can sign up on the Day of Caring website.

Click Here to Volunteer!


About VanKeuren Square

VanKeuren Square was conceived and designed to provide a full range of services to homeless Veterans and Veterans at risk of being homeless. The development represents the successful and comprehensive collaboration between Housing Visions and the Syracuse VA Medical Center. The building offers residents a supportive environment that both respects individual privacy while simultaneously encouraging community integration and socialization. VanKeuren Square was designed to create a “one-stop” service to provide housing and supportive services in one building to enable the Veterans to retain their housing and move toward recovery. Two case managers and a social worker on-site help Veterans with substance abuse problems, find employment, get health care and deal with other issues.